Belt of Hippolyte - Greek myths for middle-grade readers

A prophecy unfolds and heroes rise

Three reluctant heroes, two enchanted islands, and one prophecy binds them all.

Aurelia - Amazon Warrior


Amazon Warrior

Arturo - Blacksmith of Thrace


Black Smith of Thrace

Zamos - Heir to the Throne


Heir to the Throne

Everything Aurelia holds dear is lost in one night. Born an Amazon warrior, the Belt of Hippolyte has always been a symbol of perseverance. Torn between the only life she’s known and one she is destined for, she must find the courage to face the truth and the wrath of Ares. If she resists Apollo’s advice and can’t control her powers, she may not survive the prophecy from which there is no escape. Destiny is the golden thread by which all fate is bound. Under the shadow of the first full moon, the hunt begins, ancient secrets are unearthed, and heroes rise.

Belt of Hippolyte - Greek myths for middle-grade readers